09Mar 22

What is Omni-Channel iGaming, and its importance for lottery operators?

Today’s players are highly immersed in the mind-blowing and unreal experience that virtual platform offers. While the basic underlying advantages of online would be its ease of access and its ability to create a global community, an avid player comes online seeking the surreal thrill.

During the pandemic, the online industry boomed while the other sectors faced a dip like never before. Call it a blessing in disguise; the pandemic expedited the digital journey that we were already set on. Online provided us with connectivity amidst the dilemmas of social distancing.

Now that the world is eventually opening up, wonder which route will the gaming industry take (online or offline)?
Well, we say hybrid!

Why should your business be stuck either on or off the line?

This is where the need for an Omni-Channel approach comes in. While several lottery businesses are operating both at a physical and virtual level, a smart approach is to integrate the two, to offer your customer a seamless experience.

The Omni-Channel proposition allows your customers to have one identity across channels. They might efficiently switch from one medium to the other, hence, time or place would never limit their gaming experience.

But having stepped on the goldmine, is your business utilising the opportunity?

Speaking in terms of your lottery and iGamming business, enhancing the customer experience would eventually help maximise your revenue. Taking your lottery business Omni-Channel would help you target all player segments irrespective of the medium preference and expand your market. Additionally, it leads to a lower operational cost through relying more on a self-service model. Research shows that customers are more comfortable catering to their own needs instead of getting into the hassle of a long call centre line. This improves the service experience, which in turn results in improved upsell opportunity, reduced customer churn and reduced costs for acquisition and customer service. Having weighed the benefits of the digitally evolved approach, do not delay any longer on upgrading your business today!