03Feb 20

Skilrock to Exhibit its New Age Player Engagement, CX & Cashless Solutions at ICE, 2020

The Gaming world is incomplete without king of the events called: ‘ICE London'.

Skilrock has been continually showcasing its innovative concepts at ICE London for the past 10 years. This year, aligning itself with the fascinating theme, ‘Step Into the Future', Skilrock will present its products and concepts that promises to truly enthral you.

Player Engagement is going to be the first step into the future, irrespective of channels of gameplay. The touch and feel at land-based has potential to get implanted in player's memory and we have been showcasing such gamification and monetisation options where player is at the centre of the gameplay. As the digital transformation takes Centre stage of the discussions, we would also like to see the transformation propel much beyond the digital gameplay and into the whole aspect of customer experience.

Convenience is another dimension that cannot be understated. Our Cashless option for land-based casinos is going to be a game-changer that is expected to reduce costs, increase efficiency and engage the players in an innovative way. The concept is built over SAS for ease of integration and robustness. In addition, an in-depth back-office management goes with it to make it a complete package. Mr. Sujit Lahiry, Executive Director at Skilrock Technologies Pvt. Ltd., said "We are super excited to be back at ICE again and this time with a step into the future! We believe every step taken by an operator should lead to a positive player experience and keeping that in mind, we are showcasing 3-star attractions - Memorable Player Engagement using Mixed Reality, the CX dimension for iGaming and a true Cashless solution for land-based. Such innovations were impossible to showcase without our core platform INFINITI, which is a true Omni-Channel and Omni-Gaming platform supporting a wide variety of solutions for today and for the future. We assure every visitor to our stand an exciting experience and memorable business ideas. Of course, there are attractive prizes to be won too."

About Skilrock

Skilrock Technologies is a leading technology solution provider for the lottery, gaming and payment industry with its R&D centres located at global IT hubs. It is the technology arm of $2.4 billion Sugal & Damani Group, who are leaders of Indian lottery & gaming operations. The complete Omni-Channel Gaming-Platform of Skilrock serves Retail, iGaming & Self Service Channels with equal ease and at the same time supports a wide variety of games like Lotto, Keno, Bingo, Instant, Sports, Poker, Rummy, Casino and Slots. More than 200,000 retail touchpoints and over 5 million iGaming players across 25+ jurisdictions have been serviced by Skilrock.